Friday, October 2, 2009

An Email to my Mom

My mom has been in need of some extra income for a while now. So when I found these PTC sites (Paid to Click), I sent her the following email. I thought that others might benefit from it, so I have posted it below.

The Email:
Hey mom,
I hope Sam feels better soon. I found these 3 companies recently and I think you and Sam could benefit from them. Don't worry they are free and won't spam your email. They are what are called PTC sites (paid to click). The deal is advertisers pay the sites to provide people to view their websites. They do this by using part of what they are paid to pay you to view the site for 30 sec.. These 3 sites pay the best I have seen, 1 dollar per click/site view. Now the catch, well sort of, the minimum payout is 1,000 dollars and as a free member each site only lets you view around 10 sites a day. But think of it this way, you spend about 30 mins or so viewing the total 30 sites (10 or so from each) and you make a total of 30 dollars. Sure you can't withdraw it until you have 1,000 banked, that just means it will take a while to get paid, but they pay is great. They do have upgraded (pay for) accounts, which are fairly cheap and give you around 30-50 more sites to view, which means getting 1,000 bucks faster. Well that was alot more then I had planned to say. Two last things, if you tell someone about these sites and they seem interested, don't send them directly, get their email, then on each site click the promote button and copy/paste the link into an email and send them those. Like I did below, you get credit for new people. The other thing is to do your views every day as they don't stack up, and I couldn't find anywhere it said "no more then one per household" just "no more then one account per person", so you and Sam should be able to have accounts, you just need to make a new email address for the other account. pant pant pant.... I need a break.

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